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Myths Aplenty Around European Tech

Those working within the European tech ecosystem regularly encounter a large number of myths about what is happening in the region.

Biggest myth by SOET region



  • Lack of Ecosystem
  • Capital Availability
  • Global Competitiveness
  • Market Fragmentation
  • Slow Moving
  • Not Innovative
  • Talent Availability
  • Overly Regulated
  • Diversity
  • Startup Unfriendly
Based on respondents that gave explicit responses only

Founders and investors are aligned that the biggest myths are the lack of an ecosystem, the level of capital availability and its global competitiveness.

What, in your opinion, is the biggest myth you regularly encounter about the state of the European tech ecosystem?



  • Founder or startup/scale-up employee
  • Investor
Founder and investor respondents only. Based on respondents that gave explicit responses only