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About Orrick

About Orrick

But who is Orrick?

Creators. Visionaries. Underdogs. The Daring.

Orrick counsels more than 1,800 tech companies, as well as the most active funds, corporate  venture investors and public tech companies worldwide.  We help you disrupt. We help you build. We protect you.  We help you win. 

We are the No. 1 most active law firm in European venture capital, No. 3 globally (PitchBook), top 10 for global M&A (Bloomberg) and advisors to seven of the top 15 global private equity funds. We offer destination practices in the areas that are important to tech companies’ success:  privacy and cybersecurity, intellectual property, payments, and beyond.

And we innovate not only in our legal advice but also in the way we deliver our services.  That’s why Financial Times named us the most innovative law firm in North America in 2016 and 2017.