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People Power
Europe's professional developer talent pool is distributed across all corners of the region.
Map of professional developer distribution across Europe by country
Europe's professional developer workforce continues to grow strongly.
Professional developer talent pool
professional developers in Europe, which represents growth of 200,000 compared to 5.5 million in 2017. This also compares to 4.4 million in the US, a number that stayed flat year on year.
Germany, Europe's largest country by population, is also home to the region's largest single market for professional developer talent, followed very closely by the UK and then France in a more distant third place.
# of professional developers by country (2018 and 2017)
Where data for 2017 was not available, this is shown as blank
Looking beyond the absolute numbers, it's interesting to assess the density of professional developers relative to the overall population of different European countries. On this basis, Iceland, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Sweden emerge as the countries possessing the highest overall density of developers in Europe.
# of professional developers per 1,000 inhabitants, 2018
# of developers per 1,000 inhabitants
Calculated based on the total number of professional developers in the country in 2018 divided by the total population.
Europe is home to at least 30 different hubs with 50,000 or more professional developers. Its three largest hubs for developers are London, Paris and Amsterdam, which together are home to about 15% of the region's total developers.
Top 30 European cities by # of professional developers in 2018
Professional developers
The percentage of total professional developers located in the largest city as a share of total developers in that country is a useful measure of how concentrated the technical talent is on a relative basis within and across different European countries. Germany, for example, is the most distributed country for professional developer talent. Just 19% of Germany's professional developers are based in its largest hub for developer talent (Cologne) versus 80%+ concentration in countries such as Belgium, Denmark and Ireland.
Concentration of professional developer talent in the largest hub for selected European countries
% of total professional developers in city as share of country total
Germany's largest hubs for professional developers might surprise you.
Professional developer talent pool
professional developers in Cologne, Germany's largest hub for engineering talent